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Artist Statement

My art is born from a deep encounter with nature, the wild and the human nature within. Thus, through this encounter, attempt to have a glimpse of the miracle of life and, ultimately the expansion of consciousness.

  I began to paint at an early age, the earlier paintings expressed the mesmerizing experiences while freediving in the ocean. I was fascinated with being underwater, with the interaction with the fishes, with the sun light dancing through the water column. Nowadays, as I glide my skis through the snowy forest in Montana, or, as I glide underwater, while free diving in the Azores, or as I play with the family children in my home town Lisbon, I practise being present: The great portal to the divine. Intertwining my body with the elements, weaving my heart with the love for my family, and recognising that life is all about the encounters. This is how my art is born, from connecting, embracing, being present and while painting,  flowing intuitively.

My intention is to create art to connect, to celebrate the miracle of life, to embrace the divine.

Short Biography

Born in Lisbon, Portugal, Lucia begins to paint during her teens. Learning oil painting and drawing with the painter Artur Ramos. Studies watercolours in England. Oil painting and live model drawing at Ar.Co in Lisbon, and Architecture at the University of Lisbon.

Having a strong connection to the ocean, the mountains, the wild and human territories. Lucia lives and paints from three very different locations: Lisbon, in continental Portugal, Faial Island, in the Azores, in the North Atlantic Ocean, and the Flathead Valley, by Glacier National Park, in Montana, USA.

Lucia has exhibited her work in solo and collective exhibitions through Portugal, the Azores, Switzerland and Montana. Her work is part of several private art collections in Europe, United Kingdom and the USA. As well as private and public art collections in Portugal.